Chien Kun Group was founded in 2012 and iscomposed of multiple subsidiaries.Thebusiness scope includes international anddomestic tire sales,product research anddevelopment,procurement and distribution ofnatural rubber and chemical materials,logistics and warehousing,etc.
In 2023,Chien Kun signed a strategic coopera-tion framework with Jiangsu Yunda TireFactory,and both parties reached an integrat-ed supply chain custody agreement on produc-tion and sales in terms of raw material supplyproduct sales and after-sales,and receivedstrong support from the local government.
In the next 5 years,Yunda Tire will graduallybuild an annual overall production capacity of
TBR1.2 million sets,PCR 10 million sets,and
OTR 0.3 million sets.Through years ofdevelopment,Chien Kun Group has alsoestablished deep cooperative relationships inmold investment,product development,andother high-quality tire enterprises in China
Our products are sold to over 80 countries andreqions worldwide.Chien Kun adheres to theprinciple of providing cost-effective tires,fastdelivery,and excellent after-sales service,andenjoys a high reputation in the global marketand partners.In the next three years,wewillestablish branches in the United States,Europe,and Dubai to better serve our partnersaround the world.We have also achievedimpressive market performance in the domes-tic market in China.
Chien Kun's corporate vision is to grow into asuccessful and competitive tire solutionprovider on a global scale.We adhere tooperating our business with altruism andintegrity,and establish trust and long-termreciprocal relationships with all employees,partners,and shareholders.We strive toprovide consumers with cost-effective anddifferentiated tire products
We view our partners as a business communi-ty,and it is they who help us achieve thehighest quality standards and long-lastingstable service goals together.Chien Kun Grouppromises to be a caring and supportivecorporate citizen,making substantial effortsfor business progress and the improvement ofsocial civilization.